What are they + How they help
Ostomy support belts and clothing from major manufacturers. Ostomy support belts, wraps, and clothing can:
Ostomy support belts and clothing from major manufacturers. Ostomy support belts, wraps, and clothing can:
How to safely rehabilitate your core after ostomy surgery. Hydration tips. Get your doctor's approval before resuming any exercise or rehabilitation. CAUTION: Get your doctor's permission before resuming any exercise or rehabilitation.
What is a parastomal hernia? Signs and symptoms of a parastomal hernia. Why are ostomates susceptible? How to prevent a hernia. Surgical and non-surgical approaches to management. What is a stoma prolapse? What is a peristomal hernia?
Hernias, why are people with ostomies more susceptible? How to prevent a hernia. Ostomy support belts Learn more about Better Health
Exercising with an ostomy or stoma Step-by-Step Video Instruction