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DripDrop ORS wasn’t invented by a beverage company. Or a pharmaceutical company. Or any company for that matter. It was invented on a relief mission by a doctor treating life-threatening cases of dehydration. When he saw how quickly patients recovered, without the use of an IV, he thought…why shouldn’t everyone have this?
Born of relief, now available to you.
The above Companies share our commitment to empower patients and caregivers through access to ostomy information, tools and resources.
More Hydration Helpers
What is dehydration?
Simply put, it’s a fluid imbalance. But before we explain a troubled state, we’ll start with a happy one. Picture yourself floating in a calm sea, surrounded on all sides by warm salt water. Happy, right?
Well that’s how your cells are happiest, too. In fact, the human body is 60% salt water.
Salt water leaves our bodies when we breathe, sweat, or go to the bathroom. Normally, we replace these fluids with our food and drink. But when we lose more than we can replace, we experience a state of dehydration.
So what’s going on inside your body and how does DripDrop ORS solve for dehydration?
Must. Have. Sodium. We’ve come to think of sodium as bad, but in dehydration relief, it’s a key ingredient. Problem is, sodium alone has a hard time getting through the small intestine.
· Add glucose. Don’t worry, we’re not pushing sugary drinks on you. Fact is, glucose helps sodium get from the small intestine into the bloodstream. So we’ve added just enough glucose to make that happen. It’s called the sodium-glucose co-transport system.
· Now that the sodium and glucose have reached the bloodstream, the gate is open for water to get through, plus other electrolytes like zinc, potassium, and magnesium to relieve dehydration fast.
· That’s why it’s used by people who really need relief: chronic illness warriors, wildfire fighters, US Armed forces, and sick kids in humanitarian crises where DripDrop ORS was first conceived and where it’s still used today.
What does DripDrop ORS have that those others don’t?
A mission.
DripDrop ORS was not invented by a beverage company. Or a pharmaceutical company. Or any company for that matter. It was invented by a doctor on a relief mission to save lives. Now, as a Public Benefit Company DripDrop donates hundreds of thousands of sticks to humanitarian aid medical units, natural disaster response teams, firefighters, and children around the world who are suffering from life threatening dehydration.
Backed by Science.
DripDrop ORS meets the rigorous standards set by the World Health Organization to be considered an ORS (oral rehydration solution).
+ Great taste.
DripDrop ORS is available in lemon, berry, watermelon and orange + honey lemon ginger (to be consumed hot for soothing relief)