Stomagienics: Clean & Easy Pouch Replacement Routine

Stomagienics' solutions help you have a clean and easy pouch replacement routine. 


Theresa Johnson 225.939.1460 (Cell)

Director of Customer Relations

Our Story

Liney Guidry had surgery to form a urostomy and struggled with the lack of control and hygiene while performing his pouch replacement. He had an idea and wandered the aisles of the local hardware store for a solution. Liney created his own rudimentary device, improved his pouch change process, and finally regained his confidence and independence. We were ecstatic to see his return to a more normal life.

But what about other ostomates? How could they get the same relief and improve their quality of life? These questions challenged our family and provided a sense of purpose, and Stomagienics was born.

Our mission is to improve the lives of ostomates everywhere by helping them manage their ostomy. We have created a revolutionary device for pouch replacement and we will continue to innovate solutions for ostomy care.

225.939.1460 (Cell)

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